Seite 67 - TELE-satellite-1201

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67 —
12-01/2012 —
TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
As a second test you
should start “dmseg” in a
shell and check to see if the
NetUP card was success-
fully initialized and that its
firmware is running. If you
don’t have any patience,
you can start “w_scan -f t -c
XX” where XX is the country
code, for example, DE for
Germany. With the “-ft” op-
tion you can start a DVB-T
scan. The “-fc” option starts
a DVB-C scan.
When both of the scans
have found channels, you
can breath easy; the most
difficult hurdles are behind
Since with Ubuntu’s Soft-
ware Manager its easy to
select and install “Kaffeine”,
the first tests with this TV
software have been com-
pleted. This doesn’t need
any special explanation: you
should set up the transpon-
der list in such a way that
it contains predefined tran-
sponders from your region.
You can enter, for example,
the following into a shell:
“nano .kde/share/apps/kaf-
Since this data is already
predefined, there’s usu-
ally nothing that needs to
be changed. If the desired
transponder group is never-
theless still not there, it can
easily be added since the
structure of the data is for
the most part self-explana-
The last step involves
starting Kaffeine and set-
ting up the recognized DVB
adapters. Four devices
should have been found:
Adapter0/Frontend0 (DVB-
tend0 (DVB-T) and Adapt-
Keep in mind that Apapter0
corresponds to the “F” con-
nector next to the CI slot!
Otherwise you might be
wondering why no channels
were found…
Once a scan has been
completed, the channels
that were found have to be
carried over. Now you can
7. Kaffeine found four devices: DVB-T Nr.1, DVB-C 1 Nr.1, DVB-T
Nr.2 and DVB-C Nr.2. An individual transponder list can be set up
for each device for the channel scan
8. Results of a DVB-T scan in Portugal. Unfortunately, only five
channels are being transmitted on a transponder
9. Kaffeine being used as TV software - display of a DVB-T channel
10. More channels are now available after a DVB-C scan
11. VLC can also be used as TV software - here we see a channel
list of a DVB-C transponder