TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 1 -12/2012
mm (6.7”) long because we
wanted to keep it compara-
ble with the size of M-1038.
At our test center location
in Western Poland you need
to have a rather good an-
tenna to receive terrestrial
signals. So, to begin with
we decided to used a ter-
restrial signal analyzer to
measure how strong the
signal is at the output of the
M-1038 and at the output of
our reference rod antenna.
In this way, we achieved an
objective evaluation of the
M-1038 performance.
And what was the per-
formance? We started in
the center of the terrestri-
al band – an analog chan-
nel on 417.25 MHz (channel
S21). As you can see on the
frequency spectrum scans,
The small AntenasCastelo M-1038
mounted outside on a mast.
The antenna can be mounted
horizontally (see picture) as well as