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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 06-07-08/2012
often quite difficult. Or did
you already know how many
muscles a cat has in each
Other noteworthy Apps we
found included Weather or
Picasa (Google’s own photo
service) and let’s not forget
to mention this App: You-
Porn. More than likely you
can figure out for yourself
what this App is all about.
Last but not least we want
to introduce an App to you
that we really didn’t expect
to find in this forum: namely
Delivery Service. Yes, you
read that correctly.
With this App you can or-
der anything from a classic
pizza to oriental food up to
and including Gyros. That’s
right, you can order anything
to eat directly from your re-
ceiver and in less than 30
minutes the delivery guy will
knock on your door at home.
There’s only one limitation:
this Spark App is only linked
to and take- and so can only
be used in a few European
countries. The graphical pre-
sentation and above all the
choices available in this App
are excellent.
After entering in your
postal code you’re instantly
presented with a list of all
orderable products as well as
For most TV viewers com-
mercial breaks are undoubt-
edly annoying. One way to
pass the time during these
breaks is to play games. Even
here the Spark App Store
has what you need; game
Apps such as Black Jack or
Quizzmaster are available.
We found Quizzmaster to be
especially interesting; the
questions posed to users are
not only creative but they’re
14. The Spark App
platform’s OSD keyboard
supports the special
characters from many
different countries
15. The Wikipedia App
begins showing results in a
side bar during a search
16. The results of a
Wikipedia search are easily
readable within the App
17. Twitter Login
18. Twitter Timeline