Pagina 178 - TELE-satellite-1207

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São Paulo
TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 06-07-08/2012
Carlos Augusto de Quadros very
proudly shows us his student ID: he’s
studying Psychology. What does that
have to do with digital TV? “It helps
me with my online store”, he explains
to us. He’s been selling products for
antenna builders and satellite system
installers since 2006. But it all started
long before that.
“My father started it all in 1977 by
installing antennas. Of course, back
then they were used for terrestrial
TV.” Carlos would go to school in the
morning and then help his father in the
afternoon with these antenna instal-
lations. “I stood below with a walkie
talkie and told my father which way he
should turn the antenna.” While his fa-
ther later on moved on to a different
line of work, namely the installation
of lightning arrestors, young Carlos
could not give up installing antennas.
Then in 1991 came his first satellite
dish: “It was a 2.4-me-
ter antenna that was
pointed to the then-
1 satellite.” Carlos
found the mean-
ing of life. In 1992
he started his own
business Omega-
sat. Why Omega?
“Simple, it’s a nice
name.” In just his
second year, his busi-
ness took off - Brazil-
ians had discovered satellite recep-
tion. “I installed at least one satellite
antenna every day, sometimes it was
two or even three a day.” With the help
of two others he managed to install
400 antennas a year.
His best year was in 1994 when he
installed 2000 systems. But he began
to realize that the demand for materi-
als was increasing so he started selling
installation components. But he was
young and wanted first to finish with
school and then study at a university.
“I was always interested in Psychol-
ogy and so I started working towards
that.” It was an unusual combination
that in the end helped him out with
his customers. But no matter what,
he now had a college degree. “I could