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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 02-03/2012
characters; they‘ve provided
additional keyboards that
come integrated with special
characters so that, for exam-
ple, a Cyrillic keyboard could
be presented on the TV. The
search function works very
efficiently and delivers the
desired results in the blink of
an eye. Of course, the green
function button can be used
to limit these results based
on date, country and resolu-
tion. What you end up with
are perfect results that in
every way represent the de-
sires and requirements of
the user.
If you watch YouTube vid-
eos on a PC, you might miss
the ability to store them on
the PC‘s hard drive so that
you could play them back
without an Internet connec-
8. Top viewed, most
discussed or most
commented videos can
easily be displayed
9. With the push of just
one button the Spark
software can show those
clips that are currently
being viewed by others
10. The History function
shows the previously
accessed clips
11. YouTube clips can be
marked for download with
just a single push of a
12. The Spark software
downloads YouTube clips
from the Internet in the
blink of an eye and stores
them on your preferred
storage device