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Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, China
Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development |
Total Number of Employees
0................................ 10 .................................. 20
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)
0............................... 2.5 ..................... 5 Mio US$
Production Certificates
Main Products
Signal Analyzer with built-in Monitor
DVB-C, Satellite Receiver
based on
TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 02-03/2012
Jerry Chu recently acquired new of-
fice space in a highly modern, brand
new office building in the equally brand
new district New-Bao’an west of Shen-
zhen. “We occupy 300 square-meters
here on the tenth floor”, says Jerry as
he highlights the exquisite view from his
office window. “That’s the Pearl River,“
comments Jerry as he looks over to the
Qianhaiwan Bay just a few hundred me-
ters away. Not far away is Shenzhen’s
international airport. Shenzhen, a me-
tropolis with 12 million inhabitants, is
home to a large number of digital TV
companies, one of which is the upcom-
ing company Trimax.
TELE-satellite readers are already fa-
miliar with Trimax as a satellite signal
meter manufacturer. One of their new-
est highlights is the TM6600 Ultra Sig-
nal Meter with ASI output. As it turns
out though, this device is not their only
innovation; on the contrary: “We were
very active last year in 2011 and man-
aged to develop a number of new prod-
ucts”, explains Jerry Chu. Trimax devel-
oped additional TM6600 models: “With
CI+ and also a combination model CA
and CI+.” These meters are available
with all the different tuner variations, in
DVB-S and DVB-S2 and as a combina-
tion unit for DVB-C and DVB-T2 as well
as DVB-S2 and DVB-T2.
Receivers, on the other hand, are
very new to the Trimax scene. “We re-
cently began offering STBs with the An-
droid 2.3 system.” Jerry Chu wants to
use this to conquer a new market and
justifies this: “STB numbers are sig-
nificantly higher than signal analyzers.”
Currently the Android STB market with
its Internet integration is limited to the
highly developed European and North
American regions. Only in these re-
gions are high speed Internet connec-
tions readily available although other
regions of the world are quickly catch-
ing up. “We offer our Android boxes
in all the standards: DVB-T2, DVB-S2,
DVB-C and of course ATSC.”
The company is showing signs of ex-
ceptional growth: “In 2011 the econom-
ic crisis lowered our sales, but I’m very
optimistic for 2012!” For 2012 Jerry Chu
is expecting to nearly double his sales
thanks in large part to the start of the
Android STB line.
Whether this ambitious goal for
Trimax is realistic or not can be de-
termined by our readers: we will be
presenting a test report on a Trimax
Android box soon in an upcoming issue
of TELE-satellite.
Sun Long is Office Manager
at Trimax. He coordinates the
work of the R&D Team with
the eight engineers.