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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 06-07-08/2012
— www.TELE-satellite.com
4. In addition to news
services, Apps such as
Twitter and Picasa are also
5. Exciting games pass the
time during commercial
6. The selection in the Spark
App Store is already quite
7. Our receiver’s Spark Portal
after we filled it with Apps
8. The YouTube App lets you
display videos from different
9. A country search fine
tunes the YouTube search
10. The YouTube App
supports resolutions up to
1080p resulting in extremely
sharp video clips
11. The Flickr photo service
also has its own App and its
simple operation shines
12. Flickr lets you comb
through millions of pictures
and find what you want with
13. Apps with extensive info
and video clips from the
world of sports can also be
found in the Spark App Store
Since the Spark software
works with HDTV receivers,
the YouTube App can display
video clips in resolutions up
to 1080p. That makes You-
Tube a lot of fun!
The photo site Flickr also
has an App in the Spark App
Store and thereby provides
access to your own pictures,
your friend’s pictures or all
of the freely available con-
tent on the Web. The photos
can be shown in full-screen
mode or in a slide show. We
especially liked how fast the
pictures were displayed and
how easy it was to use the
And all you sports fans out
there don’t have to worry
either; numerous sports-
related Apps are also avail-
able in the Spark App Store.
For example, there are Apps
ers there’s, of course, the
YouTube App. We especially
liked this; it comes with a
variety of rich features such
as the sorting of displayed
videos by “Favorite”, “Most
Viewed” and “Top Rated” as
well as restrictions based on
category or country. There’s
also a search function that
helps you find exactly the
video clip you want.